
Where does love go
when forever dies?

Two star-crossed lovers trapped in a kingdom of shadows
fight to keep their love alive as they gradually fall in hate.

About the film

Unseen cinema reveals
a battle of the sexes

Director Peet Gelderblom:

“As I dived into the
archive, the archive
also dived into me”

“WHEN FOREVER DIES is not only a passionate love letter to the sublime
shine, shrine and chiaroscuro shadows of cinema itself,
it’s also thousands of metaphors cut into a single dynamic narrative.

Almost mythic in its ambition.

Compellingly entertaining, at times laugh out-loud funny,
arousing, scary and never less than stimulating.”
When Forever Dies Chronology

Cinematic Timeline

  1. 1878: The Horse in Motion

    By many considered the oldest piece of cinema, even if it’s actually "chronophotography": an early method to photographically record the passage of time.

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  2. 1895: The birth of cinema

    Cinema was truly born when the Lumière brothers held the first commercial screening at the Grand Café in Paris, where they unveiled 10 short films they filmed earlier that year, using a camera-projector they invented called the Cinématographe.

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  3. 1900: Jeanne D'Arc

    Painstakingly hand-colored and staged in Méliès's usual theatrical style, this was the first of his films to surpass 200 meters in length, and the second to use changes of scene (11 to be exact).

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  4. 1912: The Mills In Joy And Sorrow

    A silent Dutch film that features stencil-coloring as well as tints and tones, showing the whole gamut of applied colors in the pre-WWI era. Original title: "De Molens Die Juichen en Weenen"

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  5. 1932: Terra Nova

    Considered lost for sixty years, Gerard Rutten's "Terra Nova" was to have been the first Dutch sound film, but it never found its way to the big screen. By the time the talkies were taking over, tinting and toning had fallen out of favor. Cinema became synonymous with black and white.

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  6. 1956: Prince Electron

    This little-seen miniature operette in glorious Technicolor is one of many undeservedly forgotten puppet animations produced by Joop Geesink’s Dollywood.

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  7. 1973: À La Votre

    Quirky arthouse cinema meets feminist fantasy in Monique Renault’s surrealistic take on the sexual revolution.

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  8. 2002: Skelehellavision

    The remix culture that started in the 1990s gave rise to wild found-footage experiments like this rotoscoped pornography by Martha Colburn.

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  9. 2020: When Forever Dies

    All foregoing and much more is woven into the fabric of When Forever Dies.

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Eye Filmmuseum


Tangerine Tree


Pieter Straatman

Lead Composer

Peet Gelderblom


Streaming now


Title: When Forever Dies
Running Time: 109 min
Genre: Drama, Archival Fiction
Country of Production: The Netherlands
Language: English


Tangerine Tree
Gouvernestraat 133-1
3014 PM Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Email: Nienke Korthof (producer)